I haven't updated lately. Since school starts Monday I thought today would be a good time to let you know what the latest is with Caleb. Right now he is just enduring through the side effects of another hard round of Chemotherapy. The last two rounds of Chemo have been tough for Cal. It is just like an endurance test. I'm glad that he's old enough to know what is happening and that this will pass. Caleb also knows a little about the science of the treatment and knows that these trials are all for his good. I can't imagine doing this with a small child. Not really knowing what is going on must really be hard.
We may have been premature in saying that Caleb is in complete remission. There are still a very few cancer cells in his bone marrow. In the initial tests it always comes back negative, but then they look at it with a microscope and the Leukemia is still there in very small amounts. We Praise the Lord that the medicines have been effective in ridding most of the disease.
So, now we proceed to the Bone Marrow Transplant. Caleb has one more round of Chemo before we begin that process. It looks like the beginning of October is about the time the transplant will take place. There is a really good prognosis since Caleb has a match with Jeanette. Please pray for all the stuff that needs to be done before and up until the transplant.
Pleae pray for our family, too. I am not looking foward to being away from Sarah for the many weeks that his stay in Los Angeles will entail. Caleb could be in the same hospital room for as much as 6 months. Hopefully that will not be the case-but it is possible. Sarah will have to be there for most of that time. This will be a huge hardship for our family. We will need God's help more than we ever have. Again, thanks all of you for your prayers and support. It really is a blessing to know that so many are praying.
On a positive note. Caleb got to be at band camp for three days. He had a fantastic time and was feeling great those days. We are hoping that somehow he'll be feeling well enough to make the first day of school. Also, the first football game is August 24th and it would be awesome if he could be on the field with his beloved Thunderband. These are great boosts to his spirit. I think of the Apostle Paul and how he so greatly appreciated the believers that supported him in prayer. I can understand how he felt when he said in Philippians 1:3 " I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, 4 Always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy." We are thankful for all of you and your love and prayers.