From the Friends of Caleb

This blog is to support Caleb Evins and his battle with Cancer

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Ups and Downs

"Very Good"

This was the doctor's comments on Caleb's blood test results and monitor readings on Sunday night. We are blessed and encouraged by this report. There is still some ways to go for a recovery-but this was the best news since we were told that Caleb "may not make it through the surgery."

Above is my post that never got posted on Sunday Night, September, 16th.  I never posted it because even though our doctor was thinking very good, Caleb didn't improve the rest of the week. (as many of you know if you've followed Sarah's posts on facebook)

Soooo-in order to make things easier for Caleb to get better on Sunday, the 23rd,  another surgeon did two more procedures on Caleb-a Tracheotomy and a incision in the stomach.  Since Sunday Caleb has had more ups than downs.  He's had more energy and is communicating with us.  Caleb wants to beat this.  I can see it in his eyes. 

This terrible disease that he had has nearly shut down all of his organs.  Today, though, his kidney started to kick back in.  There were positive indications that his instestins are starting to work again.  Even though there have been positive signs-another bacterial infection was found in his lungs.  Hard to watch my strong, brave, and dedicated son go through all of these trials.  But, in the words of one of our favorite songs:

"I know God makes no mistakes, he leads in every path I take
Along the way that's leading me to home.
Thought at times my heart would break, there's a purpose in every change he makes,
That others would see my life and know that God makes no mistakes."

We have a huge army of prayer warriors on Caleb's behalf.  It sure is encouraging.  I know on Sunday there were again, Bullhead City Pastor's interceding with their congregations for my son.  I am soooo overwhelmed with this support.  And churches all over the world considered my son in prayer.  I am greatly honored by this.  We continue on believing that God will do a miracle and knowing that whatever the outcome, God makes no mistakes. 


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Strength Needed for the Journey

I had trouble thinking of a title for this post.  If you read Sarah's updates you know that what Caleb is going through now is almost beyond a word-like description.  In my middle-aged life I've been through some medical experiences with my dad who battled cancer four times-winning three.  I've been through a heart surgery and back surgery a few years back.  These experiences weren't easy, but pail in comparison to what my brave son Caleb has been going through these last five days.

After a final round of Chemo before his bone marrow transplant Caleb went home to Bullhead City feeling ok and having higher blood work numbers than ever before.  We were hopeful that this time Caleb would be able to handle the Chemo without a trip to the hospital.  But after being home for almost five days Caleb returned to Vegas and became very ill.  He was throwing up constantly and was admitted to ICU.  Caleb was unable to avoid a very serious bacterial infection of his abdomen. Antibiotics were ordered and the infection was killed, but the affects have been very hard.  Caleb is now sleeping peacefully, but full of tubes and lines.  His abdomen has swollen and the doctors are concerned that there is some damage of his colon.  The doctors would like to do surgery but feel that the risks are just too high to do it.  The uncertainty about this this part of Caleb's journey has been tough for Sarah and I to handle.  Caleb is very sick and we are praying for God to work a miracle in his body.  We are trusting only on God to help us.  Please continue to pray for Caleb's complete healing from this sickness and the Leukemia.

Caleb is fighting this situation with all his might.  We are trusting that healing will come in the good timing of our God.

I was encouraged by one of our relatives in this great old hymn:

Day by day, and with each passing moment,
Strength I find, to meet my trials here;
Trusting in my Father’s wise bestowment,
I’ve no cause for worry or for fear.
He Whose heart is kind beyond all measure
Gives unto each day what He deems best—
Lovingly, its part of pain and pleasure,
Mingling toil with peace and rest.