From the Friends of Caleb

This blog is to support Caleb Evins and his battle with Cancer

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Wow-An Almost Normal Week!

God is Good.  Today we were challenged by Paul from the Philippians in verse 4:19, "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus."  This week we can say this.  God has continued to help Caleb to get better.  Its almost as if he is back to normal :).  Our church did something this week that is not normal-we took 20 kids to our camp.  Caleb was really more like a half time camper.  But, he was there for a couple of nights and days and by Saturday felt like he was a part of camp for his 8th year.  The speaker was great and challenged the hearts of our young people.  Caleb just felt good all week.  No nausea, no fever, and hardly any side effects.  Thank You, Lord for your provision.  

Having said this the Bone Marrow Transplant looms in the future.  We got some good news this week-as we found out the we can do the transplant in Los Angeles, after all.  More than anything it is good for Sarah as she will be able to get great support from her family as we go through the three-month long ordeal.  

it really seems like the medicine and God's healing hand is getting the best of this terrible Leukemia.  i heard from a friend who had talked to a local pastor. He saw her and told her how excited he was that Caleb was being healed.  As it turns out the local Pastor's fellowship had been praying together for my Son.  Wow!  Another tale of Prayer for Caleb.  Again, we thank all of you as things start to settle down.  Your prayers are appreciated and greatly needed.  God is good and His provision continues to be overwhelming.  

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear this, I'll continue to pray for Caleb and hope to see Sara when comes to LA.

    Blessings to all of you give my regards to Sara,

